Comics Magic

I was fortunate to have the splendid opportunity to introduce comics to a group of 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders at the Froebel Elementary School in St. Louis Public School District. Witnessing first hand the power of the medium to teach visual literacy skills, improve reading and writing, and giving students voice is MAGICAL.

Having a guest speaker like Steenz Stewart (award-winning cartoonist) sends a powerful to these children about what is possible.

Anyone can be comics creators if they want to be.

“To all the young kids of color — and not so young, people who want to use their voices,
who are thinking ‘this seems difficult because I don’t see myself out there,’ I tell you: You must be persistent because we need you.
We need you so, so badly.”  – Marjorie Liu

Check out the video created by St. Louis Public School District about the workshop.

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